Buyers guide update

A number of people have been in touch to let me know that the Buyer’s Guide pages were not working very well because some of the images were not loading correctly.

Having looked at it myself after receiving these reports, I also think it was not very well organised either. There was far too much information on the pages about digital pianos and books meaning the pages were taking a long time to load.

I asked the website team to take a look at the non-loading images and that seems to be fixed now. While we fixed the problem, I also took the time to update the layout to make it easier to read. The digital pianos I recommend each have their own page and books section is organised into Classroom essentials, Beginners music books with better guidance on age range suitability and ABRSM Exam study books.

Thanks to everyone who got in touch about the images not loading and, if you haven’t done so already, check out the new layout and let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.

If you would like to take your very first piano lesson or add to your existing piano education, please book a lesson with me today, you can book online.