Vinh’s Musical Journey: From Merit to Distinction in ABRSM Performance Grade 3 Piano Exam

Introduction: Meet Vinh, an exceptional young musician who recently achieved a remarkable feat in his musical journey. After receiving a merit in the ABRSM Grade 2 Piano exam, Vinh’s dedication and passion propelled him to even greater success. In this blog post, we’ll explore Vinh’s journey as he triumphantly scored a distinction in his Performance Grade 3 Piano exam.

Setting the Foundation: Meritorious Achievement Vinh’s journey began with a well-deserved merit in the ABRSM Grade 2 Piano exam, showcasing his innate talent and dedicated practice.

Unwavering Dedication and Perseverance Motivated by his success, Vinh embraced a rigorous practice routine, refining his technical skills and musicality with unwavering determination.

Preparing for Performance Grade 3 Vinh fearlessly tackled the challenges of the Performance Grade 3 exam, honing his skills and perfecting his performance through diligent practice.

Exploring New Repertoire Vinh found joy in exploring a diverse range of musical pieces, deepening his understanding and appreciation for different styles and composers. His repertoire for the Performance Grade 3 exam included:

  1. Anon.: Minuet in G, BWV Anh. II 116
  2. Nakada: The Song of Twilight (from Piano Pieces for Children)
  3. Joplin: The Entertainer, arr. Önaç
  4. Nancy Litten: The Sad Ghost

Triumph: Distinction in Performance Grade 3 Exam Vinh’s heartfelt musical expression and technical prowess during the exam earned him a well-deserved distinction, a testament to his dedication and the guidance of his instructor. The examiner summarized Vinh’s performance with these words:

“Overall this was an excellent performance in which a good range of music was sequenced effectively, and in which the pitches were firmly in place. Tempi were well chosen and maintained too. Occasionally there was scope for a little more shading of the tone and for slightly clearer textures, but on the whole, the technical and interpretive challenges of the pieces were met with much success, and the playing itself remained involved and focused throughout.”

Inspiring Others: Vinh’s Musical Journey Vinh’s achievements inspire aspiring musicians to embrace challenges, push boundaries, and pursue excellence with unwavering determination.

Conclusion: Vinh’s musical journey, from a merit in Grade 2 to a distinction in the Performance Grade 3 Piano exam, reflects his dedication, passion, and talent. His success serves as an inspiration for others, reminding them of the rewards that come with consistent effort and a love for their craft. As Vinh continues to flourish, I eagerly anticipate the heights he will reach.

If you would like to take your very first piano lesson or add to your existing piano education, please book a lesson with me today, you can book online.